It's getting to that time of year when we're beginning to either wind down or gear up for the festive period. I personally am taking some well needed respite over Christmas and New Year to enjoy myself and have a breather from the hamster wheel of life. It's something I've done every year since I got out of working in retail - I treat myself to a whole two weeks OFF. Extravagant I know!
2021 has been a truly transformational year for me in so many ways. I feel as though I have grown so much as a person; mentally, physically, spiritually... I've got a new found sense of optimism and excitement for the following year to come and I can't wait to share the journey! I'm proud of the things I have achieved this year. I'm thankful for the opportunities I have been given. I'm grateful for the support I have had from others. I'm impressed with the challenges I've overcome. I thank you 2021, now, do one...
Nutmeg has had some time out recently due to my own personal burn-out but now she feels like she has truly grown up. I feel as though she has flourished and become a well-rounded 6 year old little 'oss that I love and know I can trust every time I climb aboard. I'm eager to get out and about with her next year. I'd love to do some unaffiliated jumping and work on our Cross Country too. Note to self: get some arena hires booked in!
There are so many plans swirling round in my head and ideas that I want to bring to fruition for FDIEC. New online courses, a book or two, more coaching and guest speaking... SO MUCH! watch this space ;-)
I'm gonna say it, 2022 is definitely going to be my year!!!
F xx