Your in-person and online Equestrian and Mind-Set coach
Training Principles
The primary focus of how I work is the embodiment of a greater understanding between horse and rider. The guiding force is to always take into account The Bigger Picture - after all, horse and human are two halves of the whole!
FDIEC is based around 4 Key aspects:
- Nutrition
- Behaviour
- Management
- Training

A Scientific Approach
Understanding the way your horse thinks and the biology behind their evolution is in my opinion always the best place to start. That is how the FDIEC 4 Key Aspects came about; you can't address one Aspect without having an understanding of the others.
By "speaking the same language", understanding Horse Psychology and using techniques such as Clicker Training (Positive Reinforcement), the aim is to create harmonious interactions and develop a willing partnership. Based on this knowledge, Training can be adapted to the task in hand.
The focus is not just on the horse but also on the rider/handler too. Improved mind-set and a positive mental attitude is encouraged and nurtured using NLP techniques and coaching strategies.
For horse AND rider
Helping you help yourself

Why start with Groundwork?
Guidance & Inspiration
From a Horse Training perspective, I always start from the ground. This is where trust is built and respect is gained. Often I can get a very clear picture of a horse's personality from just 5 minutes of doing groundwork!
It's also the precursor to a lot of other Training and many "problems" can be solved simply through starting with these basics.
Primarily Groundwork encompasses Positive and Negative Reinforcement and Body Language to improve proprioception of the horse and coordination of the handler.
How about the Rider?
"The art of riding a horse is to remain in total control whilst being in complete surrender simultaneously"
As an NLP practitioner and from studying The Rider as an athlete during my Degree, I believe Rider mind-set is just as important to train as the Horse.
There are so many different techniques and strategies that you can easily implement into your way of thinking that will have a huge impact on your relationship with your horse and your ability as a rider.
These simple techniques are not just useful for the nervous rider! Perhaps you are a competitive rider but always feel like the best is never good enough and you want to feel more fulfilled? It's all about the mind and finding those positive vibes...

"Very knowledgeable. Friendly, calm approach and communicates concepts in an easy to understand way. My "quirky" horse is very relaxed and receptive around Frances, which is the highest praise I can give." - Sunny's Mum
"I started a nervous wreck but you just got rid of that in no time. I feel more confident and relaxed all from one lesson and we haven't even got on to the way you explain things! [so clearly]... absolutely phenomenal and I can't wait to be out competing" - Ted's mum, regular ridden client and Rider Mindset Modelling Graduate
"I really enjoy my lessons with you. I get a bit nervous because I know I'm not the best rider but I always feel that I have made improvements by the end. Cherry has made such progress, she is much better balanced and I think she is understanding what I'm asking now" - Cherry's mum, regular ridden client and webinar attendee