I love to do an annual reflection on the las 12 months. It makes me realise just how much progress I've made... because sometimes it really does feel like I'm making none!

This year, I have:
Gone self-employed!
This was a huge step for me. I left my previous office based job in February but then went to work part time instead for Equilibrium Products until June. Since then, I've continued my freelance Tradestand work with the brand supporting retailers at equestrian events up and down the country throughout the year.
Published a Book!
You may have seen on my social media channels that I FINALLY got round to figuring out how to self-publish. This has been a long time coming; I've had multiple works on the go since 2020 but never got round to finishing ANY of them and I also had absolutely no idea what the process was.
So this is a little "test" if you like for bigger things to come... watch this space!
The Poor Horse Girl's Little Book of Affirmations is available to purchase on Amazon via the link below.

Got Nutmeg a custom made saddle
I always knew, even from when she was tiny, that she would be an awkward shape to fit a saddle to. I'd made do with Maz's old Kent and Masters (which I LOVED) when she was young and the one we had after that was the best of what was available but was never going to fit for long. I wanted to wait until she'd finished growing before making the investment because I wanted something that would last us. Now she's turned 7 - and finally grown some "withers" - I decided to go for it... and it's been fabulous.
Since we got it at the beginning of November I've been bringing her back into work and up to fitness; riding 8am every morning at least 5 days a week. She feels great and it's SO much more comfortable for me.
My biggest achievement was actually having the £1450 to pay for it! I'd made a point of saving up over the summer and so didn't need to pull from my savings.
Finished redecorating my home
If you're into astrology, you'd understand why as a Cancer, my home is my happy place. It was in dyer need of modernising and I've enjoyed bringing my own flamboyant colour pallet to give it some vibrancy. It's been "in the process" since I moved in 5 years ago so it feels good to finally feel like I have a home that I'm proud to welcome others into.
Doubled my income from last year
This was my main business goal for this year. Specifically for my teaching/training/coaching side of things but also including my Tradestand work and other freelance activities.
The plan wasn't always to go fully self-employed so early/quickly so I'm proud that I've hit this financial target.
And my target is the same for 2023; double it again!
Visited more places
When I used to sit at my desk at work, I'd day dream out the window and long for a change of scenery. I haven't been on holiday since before COVID so I think that probably also contributed to my wanderlust.
Although I still haven't made it abroad (unless you count Scotland - Blair Horse Trials), I have had the opportunity to see loads of Equestrian venues and events through work which I had never been to before.
Seen new places, met new faces. Tick!
Worked with amazing clients and horses
I truly feel honoured to have such amazingly trusting and supportive clients. Many of which I'd never met before I began this journey who have trusted me with their horses and personal challenges. This is why I wanted to change the trajectory of my life; to help more horses have happy, healthy and harmonious lives through helping their human better understand their minds and bodies.
It really does make my heart glow when we end a session and the horse is relaxed and they both have a huge smile on their face.
It really is so rewarding to know that I've made a positive contribution to their lives.
So that's my round up of my greatest achievements for the year! I'd love to hear from you too! If you've enjoyed reading this, send me a DM on socials or comment below on this Blog post and tell me what your proudest achievements of 2022 are...