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I've created an eBook!


Money - the stuff they don't teach you at school

This eBook is the brainchild of my "Poor Horse Girl" persona

Money - the stuff they don't teach you at school

I'm a firm believer in sharing knowledge for the greater good and, especially as a female and a horse owner, financial knowledge is definitely up there on the list of priority topics.

My inner feminist gets so mad that top 16 richest people in the world are men. Shout out to Alice Walton (daughter of Walmart founder Sam Walton) who makes it to 17th richest person - or depending on what source you look at, 21st - as heiress of the estimated $60 billion Walmart fortune, that in a slightly irritating way previously belonged to, yet again, a rich man. Usurped if you like in some sources by her older brother Rob Walton as 20th richest... or 16th...?

You see what I'm getting at here. I digress...

This is where The Poor Horse Girl materialised. I want more money in the hands of women AS WELL AS men. First and foremost, MYSELF! Eventually one day I want my story to be "The Poor Horse Girl got wealthy, and now she wants to tell you how to as well". I explain more about how my money habits and awareness changed in the eBook.

Money simply isn't spoken about enough. Conversations around finances and money are - for some unknown reason, likely insecurity - a taboo subject. Why? I just don't get it!

The rich get richer and the poor get poorer when we don't share money related knowledge and advice.

In this eBook I share just some of the things that I have learned over the last few years about finances and how they dramatically changed my money overall.

I discuss:

  • pensions

  • interest rates

  • investing

  • savings and

  • budgeting

Expanding on the whys, the hows and the actionable ways to incorporate strategies into your own finances for greater financial well-being.

You can download your FREE copy here:

NO EMAIL SUBSCRIPTION REQUIRED (ain't nobody got time for that!)

Follow @the_poor_horse_girl on Instagram



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