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Happy New Year! - what's kick starting 2022?


It's that weird time of year where none of us have any idea what day it is, we're all still eating leftover Christmas dinner (those veggies are starting to look pretty sad sat in the fridge) and hopefully we've all had some much needed chill time away from the daily grind.

I took some time out to relax. I've worked hard this year and achieved a lot, more than I ever expected! So I decided to give myself a break. But now I'm feeling motivated and ready to crack on with a new year. I've got big plans!

Some of you may have noticed I've set up a new Instagram profile @the_poor_horse_girl. Go follow! I want to niche down FDIEC (@fdequineconsult) and keep it educational - purely focussing on the the FDIEC 4KA's for the horse and NLP Confidence Coaching for the rider - but I also felt like there was a few other things that I'm passionate about and whish to share; this is where The Poor Horse Girl materialised. There's a book currently in the writing too! More on that to come so keep your eyes peeled...

There's going to be some other big changes for FDIEC in the New Year too - taking things to the next level and generally upping my game in just about every way as a business/entrepreneur. They say stepping out of your comfort zone can be scary, but that's where the magic happens - better to have tried and failed than to have not tried at all right? Some of me is scared and worried, but a whole lot more of me is excited and optimistic for the future.

Can't knock a girl for being ambitious ;-)

Thank you to each and every one of my followers, riders, advocates and generally all of those who've given me opportunities over this year to continue pursuing my dreams. 2022 is going to be a hell of a year, I can feel it already...



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